1 minute read

I have searched far and near for how to write your Swagger doc to allow a file upload. They are usually for the “1.2” spec but sometimes they are incorrect as well.

The following snippet will allow you to send a file which will be in req.body.files.file (when using multner)

  "/v1/images": {
    post: {
      x-swagger-router-controller: "images",
      operationId: "createImage",
      tags: ["images"],
      description: "Upload image",
      consumes: [
      parameters: [
          name: "file",
          in: "formData",
          type: "file",
          description: "Image information",
          required: true
      responses: {
        default: {
          description: "Invalid request.",
          schema: {
            "$ref": "Error"
        200: {
          description: "Successful request.",
          schema: {
            id: "string"

Current Issue and Workaround

Currently, there is a problem preventing the official swagger-ui to work with the above swagger JSON. Until then a workaround is below. You can track the status of this issue on GitHub and when that is fixed you can use the above code instead.

    "/v1/images": {
      post: {
        x-swagger-router-controller: "images",
        operationId: "createImage",
        tags: ["images"],
        description: "Upload image",
        consumes: [
        parameters: [
            name: "file",
            in: "formData",
            type: "string",
            description: "Image information",
            required: true
        responses: {
          default: {
            description: "Invalid request.",
            schema: {
              $ref: "Error"
          200: {
            description: "Successful request.",
            schema: {
              id: "string"